You thought the TPP was bad? Wait until you see this.

This is how my dream went:

I had dreamt that I was logging on to my computer, like I always do. But this time, when I logged on, I received a message on my computer screen: you know, like one of those pop-up messages like you see above.

Well, this time, the message was like a RED ALERT, and that’s when I knew other computers had been affected as well. At first I thought this was a VIRUS, but when I read my screen the words read:



(In all caps)

And it kept flashing, and I kept wondering what that was.

Then, underneath those words I saw this:


The sign kept flashing, and the pop-up could be read on my screen on both sides.

Now that was the dream itself. And, of all the days to receive such a prophetic dream, it was on the morning of Wednesday, September 23, 2015.

However, all this time I sought The Most High for the Answers, so that He could interpret this dream. It took months, but I am confident in the Answer and Revealing that He has Given me.

Here’s what I Received:

When Martial Law is declared — whether it be through a power grid failure, or an EMP, or a “nuke,” or some “Internet virus,” or a “natural disaster” that wipes out a majority of the power lines or cables, here’s what will happen:

The electricity will go out, the power will go out, you will have no access to any water or indoor/outdoor plumbing, no heat, fuel, oil, gas, no nothing.

But your Internet will go out as well. You will no longer have access to any Internet whatsoever. I don’t know if this will be worldwide or just here in America, but I do know this is imminent, and this will be hitting our shores soon!

This will be the kickoff to the long-awaited “NWO,” an agenda that the elite have been pushing since the very beginning of time.

So how does that relate to my dream?

When the Internet turns back on and the power cables begin to work again, the next time you log on, you will be taken to some sort of “message” or “clause” that will REQUIRE you to read AND SIGN (electronically) if you wish to continue using the Internet. By then, we will already be under the New World Order — no longer will we be known as “America.” 

And what will this new “clause” be?

When the Internet “retuns,” and the New World Internet is finally established, EVERYTHING regarding Truth, “Conspiracy,” Religion, and ANYTHING having to do with Our Creator YHWH, “God,” “Jesus,” or any religion thereof, will be banned and strictly prohibited. You will not be able to mention ANYTHING regarding these topics, nor will you be able to report or talk about any “conspiracy theories,” TRUTHS, flat-earth “theories,” Creation, The Bible, anti-immigration, anti-Government, anti-NWO, anti-New-World-Religion, etc.

Anything about Buddha? No.

Anything about Jesus? Nope.

What about Krishna? Nu-uh.

Muhammad? Don’t think so.

Our TRUE Creator of the heavens and the earth? No way.

Hence the word “ATHEISM” seen in my dream TWICE…

If you even mention just the WORD “God,” or even the WORD “Hallelujah,” or even “Amen,” or even these four syllables: YHWH, or any of the topics above, you will be blocked, banned, and deleted from using the Internet! 

The Government will be able to track your I.P. Address, shut you down, come to your house or home, locate your exact location, and “relocate” you into a FEMA Camp or prolonged detention center where you will be unable to escape.

Now they may give you a “friendly warning,” or a “friendly reminder,” but do it another five or six times, and off to FEMA you go.

But is that all?

Anyone caught breaking these “terms” or violating such “agreements” will be automatically taken to Internment Camps, or killed on the spot. And there will be no news coverage of this.

It doesn’t matter if you were just texting your friend “Hallelujah,” or posting a Bible verse on Facebook (if they even have Facebook by then), they will come after you either way!

Mind you, this won’t be just on Internet. They’ll be able to track anything you type or post on your smartphone, on your tablet, on your Apple product, on your Samsung product, on your TV, on your computer, on your VCR, anywhere. Chances are, they’ll probably ban any movie or TV show that even has to do with religion, especially Christianity. You won’t be able to search for it, nor will you be able to find it because it will no longer exist.

But that’s not all!

Any current website or media outlet that is spreading Truth will be shut down permanently. And, sadly my friends, that probably includes your web pages and news pages. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wiped away the Internet completely and started brand new, as if the Internet never even existed. Now they may keep SOME content on YouTube, Facebook, Google, web pages, etc. but TRUST ME, anything Truth-related or “conspiracy”-related will be forever erased! 

That “pop-up” I saw in my dream is really an “agreement” from the NWO to its enslaved citizens that they must agree to if they wish to continue using the Internet. Anyone speaking against these terms, or anyone who is caught “rebelling against the system” will face serious consequences. Even SAY the word “God” into a Siri voice operator or mention the word “Christ” to your friend on your bluetooth, and you could be the next FEMA Camp victim. You, AND your friend…

But don’t be fooled!!! It gets even worse!

There will be PAID GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who will pose as “Internet activists” and make up their own “anti-Government,” “religious freedom” forums, where they will claim you can talk about any religion you possibly want, express Truth, talk about any “conspiracy theory,” and there will be no way for the Government to track your IP Address and/or whereabouts.

Don’t be fooled they will be used as pawns for rounding up political dissidents, and throwing them in those Detention Camps. Or killing them right there on the spot.

So as we see, the NWO will secularize the entire Internet, and you won’t be able to mention anything relating to or regarding Our Creator, YHWH, you won’t be able to “prove” or question His Existence, you won’t be able to mention or talk about anything regarding His Existence, and you won’t be able to mention anything that even hints towards Creation, because they will plaster the New World Internet with Evolution and Evolution Theory.

Think that’s the worst part? This is…

This New World, One World Internet scheme will play into the New World Religion, and lead to the One World Religion already set in place.

And who will be at the center of this One World Religion?

You guessed it: THE Anti-Christ, or the one who will pose AS “THE CHRIST” himself and deceive the whole world: Satan.

This will lead people to accept and believe the False Messiah that is coming, who will deceive the entire world, just as The Most High has told us.

But in order to deceive, he must first eliminate any “Truthers” or people who get in the way of his ultimate plan: us!

This will be the plan to end all religious freedom, and the only “religion” you may be able to speak about is Islam.

They want to rid The Most High from everything and everywhere, rid all access to Truth, continue spreading Lies and Deceit through their evil plans, and ultimately prepare for the world’s biggest deception of all time: The False Messiah. With, the False Rapture.

Now I’m not sure which will happen first: the ushering in of the False Messiah, New World Religion, or the ridding of the Internet we know now, for the human secular, atheist New World Internet, which will eventually lead to the One World Religion. They may play hand-in-hand. One may happen before the other. They could both occur simultaneously.

Either way, it’s going to happen!

(Oh, and if you haven’t, I HIGHLY suggest you read about NASA’s infamous Project Blue Beam, or as I like to call it, “Operation False Messiah.”)

Say goodbye to the Internet as we know it, folks, because when SHTF, chances are this website and many others will no longer be available at our expense. Every Truth network and alternative media site and source you can regularly access on a daily basis now will be terminated real soon! That, and probably 99.9% of the Internet. At least, the parts the elite don’t want you to see…

This HAS to happen it will be THE ONLY WAY for the elite to usher in the New World Order!

We’re already being spied on every single day. The TPP is already in effect, censoring every Truther and Alt. Media source they can. It’s only a matter of time until we’re next.

So what can we do?

Get the Truth out now while you still can!!!

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers, tell everyone! Tell everyone you know, even strangers too! Even if they don’t listen to all this “conspiracy hoopla,” you will still be planting and sowing a Seed into their lives that could ultimately impact them.

Express as much Truth while you still have your Freedom!

Because when Martial Law is declared, not just here in America but worldwide, there will be no more “Freedom” whatsoever! 

When the Constitution is ripped to shreds and the Executive Orders take over and the “Presidents” of these powerful nations become “Dictators,” you can bet your bottom dollar there will be no Freedom remaining virtually anywhere! (Too bad there won’t be a “dollar” in the New World Order…)

There isn’t much time, my friends.

The NWO is already here.

Please know this too, friends: there is good news! when Martial Law is declared, and when the events of Paris finally reach our shores and start spiraling out of control (coupled with the economic collapse in Greece, and the devastating earthquakes in South America) when all of that arrives to our shores, your guns won’t save you. Your ammunition won’t save you. Your weapons won’t save you. Your food won’t save you. Your water won’t save you. Your bunkers and your shelters and your “safehavens” won’t save you. Only The Most High can Save you, and He will Save All His People — those that Believe in Him — just as He said He would. Just as He Delivered the Children of Israel out of the hands of the Pharaoh, and brought them out of Egypt, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN BECAUSE HE CHANGETH NOT!!!

But there’s not much time left!!!

It’s time to take action.

It’s time to sound the alarm!

It’s time to WAKE UP!!!


Here’s the video where I elaborate more: